August 2018
Clean Up Day #1 at Brubaker was a great success! We got so much more done than expected. The worst of the clean-out is done! The kids were amazing. They worked so hard in the heat, and kept asking, "What else can we do?" They seemed to have fun, and it was neat watching them get to know each other and develop community. They definitely should have a sense of ownership in this school! Thanks to parents (who were also amazing), kids, and friends of Pathways!
Clean up day #2 ...another success! More demolition (see photo of men carrying HEAVY bathtub down spiral staircase!), great cleaning job on kitchen cabinets and addition, LOTS of weeding (who knew there was a peony bed underneath all those weeds!), and even barn clean up, which we were not expecting to get to.
To date, we have 325 man/woman/child hours of volunteer time invested at Brubaker house. 26 volunteers came out for day 1, and 31 for day 2. Some for a few hours, some for half a day, and many for full days. The level of commitment/volunteerism is impressive.
Some are asking for more work days. They are not yet scheduled, but there will definitely be more opportunities. At this point, we need to let the construction folks get in start remodeling. We are also going to make a list of outside things that people can do on their own time. Look for it soon!
Clean Up Day #3
Rain and mud won't stop Pathways' volunteers! A great evening of work on the outside and inside. It is hard to believe that the project has come this far, and exciting to think that school start in less than a month! Tonight activities included landscaping, sanding, painting, tearing up old linoleum, barn cleaning, flower planting and more.
Clean Up Day #4
In spite of more mud, lots of people showed up for our final cleaning day! Cleaning, painting and landscaping were attacked with gusto, and a LOT of progress was made. Those who have been with the project from the beginning can truly appreciate all that has been accomplished.